Dynamic Favicon

What's a favicon? It's the little icon representing a website. A favicon appears in your browser tab left to the page's title, the address bar left of the URL and bookmarks or favourites.

Would you like a visual representation for the notification of new emails, unread messages, etc? Saw an article quite some time back with this option to create a dynamic favicon. Not yet tried out though. Saved and shared (with you guys).

Here are 3 existing jQuery plugins that you can use to create a dynamic favicon.

Favico.js [http://lab.ejci.net/favico.js/]
favico.js lets you animate your dynamic favicon, create favicon from an image and html5 video. However, there are issues with Safari browser and Internet Explorer.

Tinycon [http://blog.tommoor.com/tinycon/]
Tinycon allows the addition of alert bubbles and changing of the favicon image. It will gracefully fall back to a number in title for browsers that don't support canvas or dynamic favicons.

Notify Better [http://www.thepetedesign.com/demos/notify_better_demo.html]
A jQuery plugin for notification using favicon, browser title and more

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