Pumpkin Oats cookies

Made these today. And also some puff size and some stick shaped. She was keen to bite the stick ones after some persuasion. The puff shaped ones, she attempted, but it was too hard, and she threw down for Latte. She was bored by the time I gave her the rabbit shaped. I shall test it again later. 

Sigh. I'm a little at my wits end. She's not keen to eat anything. Spoonfed, self fed, or i feed with my hand. 

Anyway, the puff shaped taste really nice. Lol. I like it. Maybe it's small, hence crunchier, and in the end, too hard for her. Next time must try short timing for the puffs. 

- Pumpkins
- Baby Oats

1. Steamed the pumpkin
2. Mixed both together
3. Bake at 170 degrees for about 12 mins

Iced strawberry

Yesterday baby ate frozen strawberry. A much cleaner way of eating strawberry. Fresh strawberry only ended up as strawberry juice in her hands. Hahaha. Now we know who to look for when we wan to squeeze some fruit juice. Just kidding...

Fluffmail - TULA Baby Carrier Carousel

Fluffmail! My parcel came. I'm soooo happy. Poor deliveryman kenna growled by Latte. He was sooo scared that he stood sooo far away. 

Sorry bro. But I can't open the metal gate to get it from you. It will be worse. The metal gate won't open so easily. So my dog won't run out. Sorry for the growling. 

Love the print. It's so meaningful for my baby. Wanted TULA Baby Carrier - Dear Diary. But it's a limited print. Sold out. Then they decided to do TULA Baby Carrier - Carousel. Love. There's gliiter on the whites. 

Carousel is in Pink Canvas. Dear Diary is in purple. 

Love. Thank you hb. Love love. 

Happy 10 Months Old

Baby, we have reached the tenth month mark together! Time zoomed by so quickly. Playful, curious, demanding as always. Still waiting for you to be ready to sleep through the night and eat solids regularly. Less biting and pinching would be nice too. Daddy and mammy love you. Xoxo

Happy 50th Birthday Singapore!

50 Japanese Spitz Event

The Japanese Spitz Singapore facebook group created an event for 50 Japanese Spitz to come together for Singapore's 50th birthday. 

At the end of the day the Japanese Spitz owned the Bishan dog run. The place was overflowing with Spitz. The organisers counted 111 Spitz. Cool eh!

Latte and I on our way to the venue. Excited excited. 

He's all alert and looking around. 

At the event, Latte stuck to us like glue. As usual. He's too humanised. How to make friends like that? Then he also kenna chased. Zz.... Why so scared?

My sister holding on to Latte for his nail clipping. His least favourite activity. Luckily he was ok. 

I met some cute Spitz. 

We collected our goodie bag. Loads of food samples. Thanks organisers. Thanks sponsors~

On our way back. He's too tired to move and fell asleep. Too much excitement. 

Even when he woke up in the middle of the ride, he look so cute (and vulnerable) and didn't want to move a fur. That's how tired he was.

We had loads of fun that day. Thank you organisers and sponsors. 

Baby eating toufu

9 months 26 days

Today baby tried toufu. She finished one-sixteenth of the packed toufu from NTUC. She showed interest initially. But got bored halfway through. 

We'll try again tomorrow. Hopefully she still show interest. 

I had just acknowledged the fact that... Maybe... Baby rejecting food is a phase for some babies... Maybe... 

It has been a long tiring 2 months, battling her with choices of food, feeding her or she self feed. And it's even more demoralising when people just comment with the intent of saying "You never try enough". Like really...... You should see what happened at every meal, everyday, the past few weeks. 

SG50 funpack

The SG50 funpack that is given out to each Singapore household, is available for collection for our zone. Here's my funpack design, designed by a 22 year old student, Hayden. 

There's a total of 50 bag designs. See them here: http://www.ndp.org.sg/ndp2015funpack-designs/

It was a long wait for our zone as many from other zones had already collected theirs. Initially we had to wait even longer, another 4 days. But I guess someone went to feedback and our collection date was pushed earlier. Haha oops. 

The mailer that we had to show while redeeming with out ic. 

Our boy Latte posing. He was very scared of the bag. Not sure why. Kept running away from it. Hence pardon the messy background. 

Our Singa collectable is the surgeon, doctor looking lion. Many of my friends were collecting the set of 15 different Singas. If you wish to collect them yet do not want the hassle of asking around, you can purchase them at Kindness Gallery for $300 for a set or $10 individually from 11 August 2015 onwards. However the white blank Singa is not for sale individually. So whoever received the blank Singa is very lucky. Find out more about the Singa purchase here: http://kindness.sg/blog/2015/08/04/commemorate-singapores-golden-jubilee-with-singa-3/